RazSMSLib 1.2.4 Crack Activation Code With Keygen [2022]
RazSMSLib is a simple library for sending text messages (SMS) from a Delphi, C++ Builder or VB6 application. RazSMSLib features a c-style API for using the SMS services. The SMS messages are sent through the CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service. All you need to do is get an account at CallWave.com. You will have 5 free sms’es every day. RazSMSLib is still under development and will be updated and improved in the future.
[email protected] razsmslib Documentation.
Friday, September 29, 2011
Version 1.0 of my Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++ is out.
The library enables you to scan a network for hosts and their public IP addresses. It can show you the list of hosts in the list of results.
There’s a Free Network Discovery Add-On for PowerBuilder
Version 1.0 of my PowerBuilder Add-On for the Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++ is out.
What’s New?
The add-on is now using the new Version 1.0 of the Library.
RazSMSLib is now distributing the executable PowerBuilder Project Add-On for the Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++.
For more information on my Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++ take a look at the RazSMSLib Documentation.
Tuesday, September 26, 2011
All the Delphi, C++Builder, VB6 and VC++ tutorials are now available on this blog.
To see the tutorial click on the tutorials link at the top of this blog.
RazSMSLib 1.0
Version 1.0 of my Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++ is now available.
What’s New?
The following new features are included in this version of the library:
Complete integrated support for SMS messages
Integrated Unicode support
You can now use the library in your applications for both Windows and Unix systems
You can now use RazSMSLib with CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service
RazSMSLib is now distributing the executable PowerBuilder Project Add-On for the Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++.
For more information on my Network Discovery Library for Delphi and C++ take a look at the RazSMSLib Documentation.
RazSMSLib 1.2.4 Crack+ Serial Number Full Torrent [2022-Latest]
RazSMSLib is an ActiveX DLL for sending text messages from a VB6 app to any phone number on the US (and possibly Canada) network. It is meant for sending an SMS to someone you know the number for, or for sending a SMS to an unlimited number of numbers without a phone plan. The service is called Free Text Messaging, but there’s a catch. You must use a caller ID (a phone number) for every call. When you send a message, an application called RazTunnel allows you to replace the caller ID with your own. CallWave claims to deliver messages within 30 seconds of sending.
RazSMSLib was created by Pavel Gusev. RazSMSLib code is protected by copyrights and may not be copied without express consent.
All RazSMSLib functions are registered.
When using RazSMSLib you should check RazTunnel on CallWave’s service page.
RazSMSLib requires the following components to be installed:
-CallWave FreeTextMessaging service
-RazTunnel, an application that makes it possible to insert a single phone number in messages
-Communications Server 4.0 or later
-Sybase Anywhere Client ODBC driver (32 bit and 64 bit) or ODBC 3.51 driver, for 32 bit Delphi or C++ Builder apps
-Graphical Communications Server 4.1 or later
In 32 bit apps, you must use a 32 bit ODBC driver. In 64 bit apps, you must use a 64 bit ODBC driver.
You must install the following to connect to a database:
-Sybase Anywhere ODBC driver (32 bit and 64 bit)
-Graphical Communications Server ODBC driver (32 bit and 64 bit)
As a demonstration of using RazSMSLib with RazTunnel, you need to use RazTunnel to edit the caller ID in a message. An example project is included. It demonstrates how to use RazSMSLib to send a message and how to use RazTunnel to edit the caller ID.
RazTunnel documentation may be viewed at:
To register RazSMSLib use the following procedure:
1.Open an internet browser to:
(must be a mobile.callwave.com account
RazSMSLib 1.2.4 Crack + Free Registration Code Download
Sending an SMS message just got easier with CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service. With this innovative service, you can send SMS messages to virtually anyone, anywhere from the convenience of your computer.
RazSMSLib is a wrapper for CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service making it posible to include phone messages sending in your own application. Razsmslib takes care of the rest. You can send texts directly from C++, VB6 or BCB6 code without having to register at CallWave.com
This project was designed to be easily added to any project needing to send SMS messages.
Use CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service without the need to register at CallWave.com
Enable sending to mobile phones by default when using this service
Use any UTF-8 Unicode encoding method to send messages from your application
Use a SMS-specific encoding to send messages (this is generally not supported by most free SMS gateway services)
Create a function to send text messages
Create a function to send multiple text messages
Create a function to cancel a message
Create a function to get information about a message
Create a function to get status of an SMS message (send/received)
Create a function to get send and receive status of messages
Create a function to get number of messages sent/received
Create a function to increase/decrease number of messages sent
Create a function to get number of characters in a message
Create a function to get characters in a message
Create a function to get date/time of a message
Create a function to get name of a sender
Create a function to get sender phone number
Create a function to get country code of a sender
Create a function to get sender’s phone numbers
Create a function to get date/time of a message
Create a function to get message content
Create a function to get message history
Create a function to get pasted messages
Create a function to get messages with an attachment
Create a function to get messages with specific phone number
Create a function to get messages with specific subject
Create a function to get multiple messages with specific subject
Create a function to get multiple messages with specific sender
Create a function to get multiple messages with specific sender and subject
Create a function to get multiple messages with specific number
What’s New in the?
RazSMSLib gives you an efficient, convenient, and accurate way to send short text messages with your PC. The project is compatible with most major operating systems and software packages.
How to use RazSMSLib in your application:
All you need to do is implement the required tasks: The client computer sends a request for a specific text to the server, the server sends the text to the subscriber. You can use one of the included example programs to get started right away. You can send text messages to anyone, anywhere — even if their phone is in another state or country. And unlike the other SMS messengers available on the market, your messages are not stored on the server’s hard drive. They’re also not tied to a particular phone number, and you can terminate the service whenever you like. Your subscription will be billed monthly, and you will be provided with a toll-free telephone number.
Here’s what RazSMSLib can do for you:
– High speed transmission. Transport of a text message takes only 3-5 ms. Even if the message has more than 1000 characters, it is transported instantly.
– Hides all technical details from you — just dial the number you want to text, and send the message.
– Works with Windows, Linux and UNIX operating systems. It does not require a specialized operating system like SMS4ALL.
– Works with modems, GSM modems, SMS gateways, and GSM phones.
– Works with popular software packages like MS Messenger, AOL, ICQ and others.
– Works with IMAP and POP3 mail servers.
If you need for RazSMSLib to work with your particular application or software package, it is easy and you can get the source code from (RazSMSLib.net). This source code also includes instructions on how to create Windows console programs and VB5/6 add-ins. For Windows Sockets applications, you can use the dll, but don’t forget to take into account the port number to send to.
RazSMSLib is very easy to use and cost nothing to try out. You don’t even need to register an account with CallWave.com. The only thing you need to do is send a text message to the given telephone number. (See Tasks.dll for more information.) What will you use RazSMSLib for? Any application that uses an ordinary modem or G
System Requirements For RazSMSLib:
|1.0 Release Candidate 1|
|Release Notes |
|Installer |
|———————– |