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The polymeric coordination compounds with pyrimidinonannoic acids and 2,6-dioxynonanoic acid (P1) as ligands were synthesized by the reaction of palladium acetate (Pd(OAc)2), 2,6-dioxynonanoic acid, and pyrimidinonannoic acids in DMF at room temperature. The complexes were characterized by UV-Vis, IR, and X-ray crystallography methods. The complexes were analyzed by elemental analysis, infrared spectra, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), and X-ray powder diffraction. The molecular structure of the complex was formulated as [Pd(P1H)2]2(H2O) (M1) and [Pd2(P1H)(P1H)2] (M2) by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The results show that the complexes can form a three-dimensional coordination network with Pd2+ ions. Also, the polymer has different structures. M1 was an effective stabilizer in the degradation of oil. While M2 was unstable. The thermogravimetric analysis confirmed that M2 was stable, but M1 was unstable. The degradation temperature of M1 increased from 209°C to 302°C, and the TGA spectra changed at 351°C. The molecular-level dissolution of M1 may be the main reason. The M1 complex showed excellent adsorption for Cd2+ from aqueous solution. The maximum adsorption capacity of the complex was 115.48 mg·g-1, which was higher than that of the complexes with organic solvents. The maximum adsorption of Cd2+ was pH 5 and at room temperature. The maximum adsorption was 99
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You’re seeing the author name and the username/password combo in the list because you wrote open file dialog in the text editor so it knows which username you want to use to login.
If you don’t want the dialog that appears for the logged on user, you can write the code like this:
var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);
path = Path.Combine(path, “Compass”, “Binglogon.db”);
var conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“dbServer”]);
var commdlg = new SqlCommand(“SELECT Password, Username FROM GBSetting”, conn);
var reader = commdlg.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
var key = Convert.ToString(reader.GetString(0));
var data = Convert.ToString(reader.GetString(1));
var n = new NotifyIcon();
n.Icon = Bitmap.FromFile(@”d:\a\1.png”);
n.Text = data;
n.Visible = true;
n.BalloonTipText = “Project: ” + key + ”
Username: ” + data + ”
Password: ” + key;
I have a password and username for Google, but you can change it as you wish.
If you want to get them from a file or read them from the desktop you can save the passwords and usernames in a text file that you get from Windows’ My Computer. See this answer for how to read that file.
@Matthew is right.
I will try to explain why we need the logon username and password in the showprocessdialog() method.
Generally, each Windows application is a separate processes. And each process has its own thread. So, when you want to show the process list, the list of windows which is running by the system, it will check the logon username and password of each process. And according to the username and password, it will show the processes for that user (except for the process which belongs to the admin account).
In your case, there is no special process running in your case. (Maybe some programs