Daisy Flower Screensaver is a beatiful screensaver featuring pictures with daisy flowers.
Daisy is one of the beautiful flower in the earth. It is one kind of small flower with yellow stack. For its shape and mild scent, it is loved by people.
Daisy Flower Screensaver Free Registration Code PC/Windows
– Add beautiful flower pictures with colorful color scheme.
– It is a free product, there are no any charge to download. You can’t receive any hidden charge after you download it.
– Last updated on February 6, 2011
– It is powered by GFXScreensaver Daisies by GFWScreensavers.
– It has no ads to make your computer freeware.
Daisy Flower Screensaver features :
* Multiple wonderful flower pictures.
* Pictures are randomly loaded.
* Various flower pictures by changing scenery.
* Pictures will be displayed as a screensaver on your computer desktop.
* You can set the screensaver to be activated/deactivated via the ‘Activate Window’ button.
* Window size can be specified as a percentage of your desktop area. You can also specify minimum size.
* The following picture formats are supported : *.jpg, *.bmp, *.png, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.pcx, *.pcz, *.tif, *.tiff, *.psd, *.eps.
* The flower pictures are not added in the same way like the lists. For a list of flower pictures, you can specify the last updated date.
* You can specify the number of pictures you want to display.
* You can specify the number of times to display the pictures.
* You can specify whether or not to display the watermark or the copyright.
* You can specify the languages to display the watermark or the copyright in.
* You can specify a logon background picture for your PC.
Daisy Flower Screensaver Installation :
1. Open the folder you downloaded.
2. Click the file you want to install.
3. Double click the file to install.
If you want to create your own set of flower pictures, you can use the following tools to help you.
A) Scenery Selection :
GFWScreensavers Scenery Database : Scenery Database for Flower Screensavers
You can search the flower pictures you like by keywords, folders, or sizes. By using this database, you can search for a picture by it’s name. You can get information of
Daisy Flower Screensaver Crack +
* Over 50 photos with daisy flower, each 1-5 seconds.
* You can select photos from Main Folder, HotFolder, and Shuffle, besides Random Folder.
* Some photos are hidden in Shuffle, HotFolder or Random Folder. Just you have to click the picture to see them,
you can count them.
* You can go to Browse Folder to start the search, or choose pictures from the first folder.
* You can choose your own background and sound effect.
* You can choose the number of flower petals.
* All pictures in one folder can show together, if you want to use all of them.
I’d like to thank you for visiting my site and testing the free Daisy Flower Screensaver, and give my thanks to those who make it free.
For any problem or suggestion, just email me: pdx5314@yahoo.com.//
// Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 25 2017 03:49:04).
// class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard.
@class TDesktopGridLayout, TDesktopGridLayoutController, TDesktopViewDataSource, TDesktopViewController;
@interface TDesktopViewController : NSViewController
double _topDistanceFromCenter;
double _leftDistanceFromCenter;
double _rightDistanceFromCenter;
double _bottomDistanceFromCenter;
long long _tag;
TDesktopGridLayoutController *_gridLayoutController;
TDesktopViewDataSource *_dataSource;
TDesktopViewController *_targetViewController;
struct CGRect _customFrame;
+ (double)layoutMarginForFrame:(const struct CGRect *)arg1;
– (id)init;
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Daisy Flower Screensaver
*Thirteen beautiful landscapes with hundred of images and birds.
* The time settings and sound indicators can be adjusted for your convenience.
* You can choose to have your favorite pictures loaded at the start or load them yourself as you like.
* A built-in timer is included in this screensaver. It will give you an alert at any time of day or night.
* When the screen saver is activated, you will receive a notification message.
* Enjoy this gorgeous screensaver, your eyes will never get tired of it.
Features of Daisy Flower Screensaver
* The best quality images of daisy flowers.
* Comfortable design, easier to use.
* High resolution of every images.
* Built-in time indicator.
* Beautiful sceneries and better picture quality.
* Four slide show mode, and picture can be held on any point.
* System requirements: Any windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and Windoze 10 version available.
* All dimensions of screensaver are 474×574 pixal.
* Screen displays the time and indicates when the screensaver activates.
* A notification and alarm message will be sent whenever the screensaver is activated.
* The time indicator enables you to set the time of your choice.
* It can be set to wake up each day and begin reading from the first picture, or begin at any time.
* It can be set to wake up at the same time every day, or another time or holiday.
* It can be set to start from the last picture held, or from any picture.
* The time you set is indicated in the alarm message.
* It can be set to stop when the screensaver is turned off.
* You can chose to have the screensaver started automatically as soon as you log in to your computer, or you can start the screensaver yourself.
* The sounds and music can be turned on or off in the settings.
* Quality and high resolution, Daisy Flower Screensaver, everybody will fall in love. UNPUBLISHED
What’s New in the?
– Great sparkling screen saver with a flower, one with great affection
– High quality pictures from flowers around the world with realistic rotation
– It can be your best choice in screen saver pictures.
– My kind of screensaver in different theme or mood. I will update my screensaver everyday.
– You can choose from my Free Download Screensaver theme.
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English Bollywood Screensaver is a latest Bollywood Screensaver featuring India’s greatest actor Shahrukh Khan.
He is the biggest superstar in India, renowned for his good looks and his intelligence.
English Bollywood Screensaver Description:
– Shahrukh Khan is India’s biggest superstar
– This is a high quality screensaver, includes 5 HD pictures with motion effects
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Christian Bollywood Screensaver is a latest Bollywood Screensaver featuring India’s greatest actor Shahrukh Khan.
He is the biggest superstar in India, renowned for his good looks and his intelligence.
Christian Bollywood Screensaver Description:
– Shahrukh Khan is India’s biggest superstar
– This is a high quality screensaver, includes 5 HD pictures with motion effects
– You can select from Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies, Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies HD, Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies HD, Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies HD, Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies HD
Yoga Bollywood Screensaver is a latest Bollywood Screensaver featuring India’s greatest actor Shahrukh Khan.
He is the biggest superstar in India, renowned for his good looks and his intelligence.
Yoga Bollywood Screensaver Description:
– Shahrukh Khan is India’s biggest superstar
– This is a high quality screensaver, includes 5 HD pictures with motion effects
– You can select from Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies, Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies HD, Shahrukh Khan – Latest Movies HD,
System Requirements For Daisy Flower Screensaver:
Minimum System Requirements:
Minimum OS:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or newer
Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 or newer
Windows Server 2016
1.8 GHz Dual Core Intel® Core™ Duo or AMD equivalent.
2 GB of RAM
DirectX® 9.0 compatible graphics card (Vista or later)
NVIDIA® GeForce®