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JPEG H24M AF. 1 XQ.// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package xsrftoken provides different login authenticators
package xsrftoken
import (
// List of possible places that the template keys are stored.
const (
// List of files in the $GOPATH/src directory
goTokenKey = `”tokens”`
// List of files in the $HOME directory
homeTokenKey = “.tokens”
// List of URLs to the public XSRF Token Generation web service
xsrfTokenKey = “X-XSRF-TOKEN”
// Opt can include a number of optional parameters
type Opt func(*Options) error
// Options options from login page
type Options struct {
// Login URL is the URL that you came to after logging in to a site.
LoginURL string
// Redirect URL is the URL that was requested to access the site.
RedirectURL string
// HTTP headers that will be sent to the server
Header http.Header
// The HTTP method that should be used to login to the site
Method string
// Cookie name that the server should set on the logged in user
CookieName string
// Full URL to the public XSRF Token Generation web service, we use this to construct the CSRF
// secret automatically
XsrfKey string
// Redirect URL used by the client to access the site after login
CallbackURL string
// Local identity within the application (e.g. email address)
LocalIdentity string
// Default CSRF Secret
// This is the CSRF secret that we generate. The login process needs
// this for most of its CSRF checks.
CSRFsecret string
// httpBasicAuth basic username and password
func httpBasicAuth(options Options, username, password string