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There is a lot more lines, and they change in a random way.
You don’t need to parse it manually. You can just use \s+ to match newlines and.*? at the start of each line to match the end. So for example, you can get the 3rd line by doing:
import re
line3 = re.findall(‘.*?(
\s*){3}.*’, text)[0]
This will look at each line in the text and return the index 0 of the first.*? that can be matched.
That being said, in a file, you’ll probably need to call text.readlines() to get each line in turn and then you can do it the same way.
If you have more than a few lines though, you might want to look at using a CSV file:
If you need to get data from an unquoted field:
[Comparison of adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test and low dose dexamethasone test in the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome].
Eleven adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation tests were performed on 17 patients with newly-diagnosed Cushing’s syndrome (CS) to assess the value of ACTH stimulation test in the diagnosis of CS. They included 11 pituitary tumors (PT), three adrenal adenomas (ADA), one ectopic ACTH-secreting tumor (ECT), and one idiopathic CS. Patients were given a low dose of dexamethasone (1 mg) or a high dose (8 mg) of dexamethasone orally, and the plasma ACTH levels were measured. Among the 11 PT patients, four showed an exaggerated ACTH response after the low dose of dexamethasone, and one an exaggerated response after the high dose. In contrast, among the five patients with ADA, none demonstrated an exaggerated ACTH response to the low dose of dexamethasone, and two demonstrated an exaggerated response to the high dose of dexamethasone. Among the four patients with ECT, one demonstrated an exaggerated ACTH response to the https://wishfruits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Fruit_Carving_Windows_7_Theme.pdf
Download android samsung smart watch tutorial., a genius. The most brilliant since Lincoln. The greatest since Roosevelt.
About the same time, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease that would not allow me to work (I had suffered a stroke in 1989), yet was strong enough to allow me to teach from my home.
So, I started my own organization. Primarily to fight for universal health care and the right to social security.
But even from my sickbed, I was able to realize that the Bush years proved even more disastrous than I had ever imagined. America became a land where the poor and the elderly were denied human dignity. The Patriot Act was pushed through Congress in 2005, with no debate, no oversight, with no examination of its effect on civil liberties. With more than 60 American cities now saddled with modern-day concentration camps (one count places the number of homeless persons in the U.S. at more than 3 million), the United States government declared open season on the environment and global warming.
Many of us have been terribly disappointed in President Obama. It is our judgment that his administration has allowed Iran to expand its military nuclear program. It is our judgment that his attempts at health care reform fell short. It is our judgment that the Obama administration continued the Bush administration’s practice of trampling on civil liberties.
It is our judgment that America has failed miserably to uphold its international obligations. And if you poll members of Congress of both parties, you will find that no one is proud to be an American right now.
But despite that judgment, we have come to believe that our Nation can be rescued. The political crisis has taught us that if we don’t work together to enact progressive change, there is no future for America or for human progress.
We need to pass immigration reform, but we also need to focus on our agricultural policy. We need to stabilize our energy policy, and change our tax system so that the rich actually pay their fair share. And we need to put into effect an agenda for fiscal reform.
We believe that if we take a step back, and look at the big picture, we can come together to make our Nation a better, more perfect place.
And today, we can begin to turn things around.
Yes, we have a big task to do. We have to save Social Security. We have to rescue our health care system. We have to rescue our environment. We have to help
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