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They posed a great danger to European shipping and to the southern coasts of Italy and Spain.
Here is what the observer M-I writes. Gukasov:
“In July 1810, the enemy, really strong, surrounded and bombarded Corfu. The population tried to prevent the landing, but somehow unsuccessfully. General d’Ericourt ordered him to clear the fortress, and also intended to burn Corfu, but it failed.
The lack of food supplies forced the French garrison to take severe measures. At the beginning of 1811 M-P. Gouvion launched an attack on Corfu with 2,400 men, but all his attempts to land on the island were unsuccessful. Then he, with a small detachment of artillery and 800 infantry, landed at the entrance to Fort Monteno (250 m west of the fortress). The enemy did not heed the order to leave him and left a small garrison in the fort.
D’Héricourt succeeded in capturing the leader of the Korfans, Pornioti, whom the general imprisoned.
At the end of July, the Anglo-Austrians landed on the island and, having surrounded Corfu from all sides, forced the commandant of the fortress to surrender, after which the fortress was surrendered.
On the day after the surrender of the fortress, the allies took command of the traitorous Frenchman Porniati, who at that time had not yet been sentenced to death, but who was assured of our favor.
After that, the allies plundered the whole of Corfu to the very castle and stayed here for the winter. For this purpose, a large food warehouse was built at one of the stations, and in the village at the crossroads there are huge scales, which could very well serve as a price for food.
After the departure of the allies from Corfu, the allies entered the Adriatic Sea and took the fortresses of Sarakoni and Otranto along the way.
Having landed at Preveza, they captured the city of Platelusa and went to the islands of Corfu and Pozilippo.
Preveza caused a lot of trouble, and many Russian sailors were killed, Russian hospital ships were wrecked, and the crews were sold to the French to complete their fleet.
Captain Kornilov was a prisoner on a yacht owned by the French emperor, but he was subsequently released.
February 9, 1811 Allies took the Adriatic. Thus began the campaign of 1811.
The Allies took possession of 20 islands of the Archipelago, and