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How to use custom javascript in model for each iteration of collection render?
Is it possible to have a model define a custom JavaScript function to be used by the forEach element in the Javascript loop that renders a template?
A simplified version of my models looks like this:
var PlanModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaultRender: function(){
console.log(“PlanModel rendering”);
var Plans = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: PlanModel,
url: “/api/plans”,
defaultRender: function(){
return this.map(function(plan) {
console.log(“Plan rendering”);
return “” + plan.name + “”;
Then in my backbone controller:
var Controller = Backbone.Controller.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.plans = new Plans();
plans: function(){
render: function(){
var plans = this.plans;
console.log(“Plan “+plan.name+” in
TechNexus, The International Network of Excellence for Digital Transformation, and IDC explore how to create a more profitable digital business through innovation. Join the IDC Micro Conference in New York on September 19-21, 2018. Find out how technology is impacting the world we live in and how you can be at the forefront of market transformation.
“By leveraging technology, companies are able to create real value, better understand the world around them and grow their business. So the really exciting part is that by leveraging technology companies are also enabling other companies to grow, so they create value on the back of others. So you can have an impact on the world around you, but also on the whole economy”
What’s on the agenda?
Get ready to experience the new way of doing business with innovation, technology and business agility. At the Micro Conference, you will hear from industry experts who will share their experiences and findings with you on several topics, including:
The Digital Industrial Landscape
Understand how the digital industrial landscape is evolving and what the implications are of your role within it.
Industry Dynamics
Gain insights on what is driving change within your industry.
Digital Transformation
What the technology organisations need to achieve digital transformation.
Operational Excellence
Discover how you can develop your company’s strategy and build the operational platforms to achieve this.
Who should be there?
This is an invite-only event and only participants who have confirmed acceptance will receive an invitation to register.
When should you be there?
The Micro Conference programme starts at 08:00 and runs until 16:00.
What do you get out of it?
A look at the new market realities of the future
Learn how to transform and do business in a new way with innovation, technology and business agility
The opportunity to work closely with leading members of the business
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It’s like it’s reading from the file position on the disk. Can you think of a reason for that? I am using the Byte[] for file data retrieval. I tried parsing through the file and I couldn’t find any location where the position was changed. I just thought this is weird and I’d like to know more about it. I’m using.Net Framework Version 4.
It is a “feature” of.NET. See
(Although, apparently, not all kinds of streams are affected. Only ones used for interoperability with binary data. The “files” stream, as an example.)
That being said, if this really is the data you need to read, you can “fix” it by setting the Position property of the StreamReader object that reads the byte array.
See also:
Completely to the point.It is a fact that ISIS fighters and the Nazis, and Russian and American imperialists as well as many other dictators, needed to destroy mosques and mosques needed to be destroyed.
In the Middle Ages, mosques and churches were the great educational and cultural centers of the cities and villages, where kings, princes, pastors, and barons, clerics, preachers, historians, and many others met to discuss and to talk politics, science, theology, and the arts. The Sufi shaikhs inspired the masses by their works of wisdom, forgiveness, piety, and love, and in their communities the true values of love, forgiveness, and peace reigned.
The destruction of mosques in Northern Africa and Iraq is not Islam at work, as both Sunni and Shiite extremist groups target all religious sites. There are beheadings and killings in the name of Allah everywhere. It is also true that many of these men and women do NOT believe in the cruel interpretation of Islam forced upon them by such men as the Taliban and the ayatollahs.
Today, to worship at a mosque is to engage in the worst of crimes: to live dangerously. This is the “Islam” that the religious radicals are imposing on the nations of the Middle East and the world.