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04.02.2017 – 16:01 – – – . First crack for Point Design 2000 with Aero 8 and Magics 2.6. How do I turn on EZCAM Crack. Ez-CAM Explorer. Release 2…Q:

Is it appropriate to use ‘amazing’ to describe something that is not’really’ that good or awesome?

I heard a lot of people use ‘amazing’ to describe something that is not really great or awesome.
As a native Chinese, I am really puzzled about the usage of this word. Does the following sentence sounds ‘correct/wrong?’ (It might be a wrong sentence, because I am not really sure the grammar of it.)

This is amazing.


Not really, if the adjective is heavy-handed or sarcastic.

a. This is amazing.

Yes, this is an appropriate sentence.

b. This is crap.


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Isolated avascular necrosis of the humeral head in a child: review of the literature and report of a case.
Isolated avascular necrosis of the humeral head (IHAN) was first reported in 1968 in an infant aged two months. Since then, nine additional cases have been documented in the English-language literature. All the reports describe IHAN as a variant of transient osteoporosis of childhood; some authors define it as a separate disease entity. The main symptoms of IHAN at presentation are shoulder pain and muscle atrophy of the affected upper limb, which may progress to loss of shoulder mobility and impingement. In the absence of other associated lesions (for example, septic arthritis), IHAN is thought to be caused by transient ischaemia. The pathogenesis of IHAN remains unclear. As a transient condition, it would seem likely that it is caused by inadequate vascular supply to the humeral head, which is supplied by the systemic arterial system. In the present case, follow-up radiographs of the right shoulder showed a characteristic appearance consistent with IHAN, and the child recovered fully.The ICNIRP 3 & 4 Zone Model

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has developed a new model of protection (3) and a model of exposure (4) based on the biological effective dose (BED) and the tissue depth of the exposure. The model uses the same equivalent dose limit for tissue as the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) model. The models are derived from a revised logistic human response model and a revised biological response model. This scientific update of the Models 1 and 2 in IC


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