Tag: Codevisionavr V3.04 Cracked By Periodic Non
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The other, correct answer refers to a case sensitive language.
Your answer instead refers to an insensitive language. They both refer to a language that will not change the values when you convert from lower-case to upper-case, but will not convert either way.
In either case, it’s not really possible to answer the question unless you have some way of knowing that this is a case insensitive language. And if you do know for sure, then the other answer is wrong, since it specifically refers to a case sensitive language, whereas you’re more general question of how to use case insensitivity in your application is not even possible to answer.
Case insensitivity is a problem for storage, not for logic.
Imagine an application that has a string field (property, variable) for storing a name. Both the developer (creating) and the user (updating the record) have the opportunity to type in the field:
If you always only use the uppercase form, you will need to apply logic in your code to correctly transform the input value in the database. For example, by comparing the value of the field to the upper case of the value of the other field in the row.
If you instead consider that any string value is always “upper case”, then it’s always safe to use only uppercase characters in the field. You don’t need to compare, as the string is always in the correct format.
Another way to think about case insensitivity is that it relates to the case-sensitive ordering of alphabetical characters. In English, capitalized and un-capitalized letters are treated as different characters. A is different from A, and a is different from A.
In Unicode, every letter has exactly one capitalized and one un-capitalized form. Characters are ordered in such a way that lowercase and uppercase are equivalent. It’s just that only uppercase characters are ever required.
Does this mean that in Unicode strings you’re always free to
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