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Jessica Alba and Honor, 12, look identical in matching sweatsuits

She’s created an empire with The Honest Company brand.

And Jessica Alba brought her oldest daughter Honor along to run errands in on Wednesday afternoon.

The 39-year-old actress looked nearly identical to her 12-year-old as the pair pounded the pavement in matching sweatsuits. 

Out and about: Jessica Alba brought her oldest daughter Honor along to run errands in Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon

Out and about: Jessica Alba brought her oldest daughter Honor along to run errands in Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon

Jessica was ready for business as she took long strides through a parking lot wearing a faded orange set.

A crewneck sweater kept her warm in the brisk Southern California fall weather, which she teamed with matching sweats.

She added another pop of color with a grey bag slouched across her shoulder and rocked a pair of pink and white trainers.

Mom and Me: The 39-year-old actress looked nearly identical to her 12-year-old as the pair pounded the pavement in matching sweatsuits

Mom and Me: The 39-year-old actress looked nearly identical to her 12-year-old as the pair pounded the pavement in matching sweatsuits

Honor followed a similar muted color palette wearing a grey set with blush hued Adidas sneakers.

While Jessica kept her face covering wrapped around her neck, her eldest daughter sported an olive green mask.

Alba regularly keeps fans updated about personal and professional projects through her YouTube channel.

Family first: Alba regularly keeps fans updated about personal and professional projects through her YouTube channel

Family first: Alba regularly keeps fans updated about personal and professional projects through her YouTube channel

Good times: She recently shared a teacher appreciation basket tutorial with Honor to celebrate the educators in their lives

Good times: She recently shared a teacher appreciation basket tutorial with Honor to celebrate the educators in their lives 

She recently shared a teacher appreciation basket tutorial with Honor to celebrate the educators in their lives.

Alba launched The Honest Company in 2012 and sells a range of household goods, diapers, body care and beauty products.

The ethically-sourced and terbaik Sumatera eco-friendly company has exploded in popularity through the years and is estimated to be worth more than $1 billion. 

Jessica has been married to husband Cash Warren for 12 years and the couple have three children: Honor, Haven, nine, and Hayes, three. 

Entrepreneur: Alba launched The Honest Company in 2012 and sells a range of household goods, diapers, body care and beauty products

Entrepreneur: Alba launched The Honest Company in 2012 and sells a range of household goods, diapers, body care and beauty products

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N95, KN95, KF94: The best masks to help avoid COVID-19 now

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For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the and websites.

As a result of the  variant’s startling spread, face masks have made a comeback, including local and federal . This variant is even , which was already twice as contagious as earlier COVID-19 strains. 

Before discussing masks, it’s important to underline that the best way to protect yourself against severe COVID-19 disease is to , including getting your as soon as you’re eligible. The omicron variant may be more successful at evading vaccine protection and causing , but vaccines are still highly effective at . 

Experts agree that wearing a face mask is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 infection by way of virus particles, regardless of your vaccination status. And because the omicron variant is so contagious, many experts have cautioned that cloth masks don’t cut it anymore. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Jan. 14, clarifying that “loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection.” Surgical masks and KN95s provide more protection, while approved and well-fitting respirators such as N95s provide the most protection, the CDC says.

We talked to two infectious disease specialists to determine the best face mask and face covering to protect yourself against the coronavirus in 2022, given the rapidly changing landscape. Their advice is below, followed by some updated recommendations based on their expertise.

Read more:

Disposable N95, KN95, KF94 masks vs. cloth masks

According to the CDC’s updated guidance, a well-fitting respirator that is approved by the the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health offers the “highest level of protection” out of any face covering. These include N95 respirators, a disposable face covering that filters out at least 95% of airborne particles. 

“An N95 is the best, if you can get it,” said Dr. Bob Lahita, director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease at St. Joseph Health and author of . The CDC recommends  for health care personnel.

One popular alternative to the N95 is the KN95 respirator, which is the Chinese equivalent of the US standard. KN95s are made from the same material as N95s and are also designed to filter at least 95% of airborne particles. Another alternative is the KF94, the South Korean equivalent to an N95, which has a slightly different shape and 94% filtration efficacy. (Neither KN95s are KF94s are NIOSH-approved.)

“I would recommend a high-quality KF94 or KN95 for high-risk situations,” said Dr. Bob Bollinger, professor of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and founder of .

Whether you’re wearing an , it won’t be effective unless the face mask fits your face properly and you can wear it consistently, the CDC says. “Make sure it fits snugly, without gaps around your nose, face and mouth,” Bollinger said. This is why these masks typically have an adjustable nose wire for a better fit.

Then there are surgical-style masks — the disposable kind of protective mask that you can find in every convenience store these days. These surgical mask-style coverings offer less protection than respirators, leading some  amid the highly contagious omicron variant. According to the CDC, a respirator such as an N95 “has better filtration, and if worn properly the whole time it is in use, can provide a higher level of protection than a cloth or procedural mask.”

That said, a well-fitting surgical mask is still effective at filtering respiratory droplets, and it’s useful in lower-risk situations or when it’s all you can find. Look for a mask with at least three layers of material and a snug fit around the mouth, nose and face. Further, if the elastic ear loops aren’t tight enough, try tying a knot or twisting the loop to make the fit tighter.

Whatever you do, don’t rely on a fabric mask alone any more. They’re good at protecting others from your respiratory droplets, but not at protecting you against theirs, even with a filter pocket. “I would say people should choose disposable masks, not cloth,” Lahita said. “A cloth face mask is better than no mask if you don’t have access to the disposable ones. It helps protect others if you sneeze or cough — but it’s less effective than the disposable version or the N95 face mask, especially because many people don’t wash their cloth masks often.”

Another way to maximize protection is to double mask with a combination of cloth, surgical masks and respirators. If you can’t find an N95, KN95 or KF94, Bollinger said, “a good-quality disposable mask under a cloth mask is a reasonable alternative, as long as the fit on the face, nose and mouth is tight.” You can also put an N95, KN95 or KF94 under a regular disposable mask for a tighter seal.

Different masks for different tasks

Different types of face masks offer varying amounts of protection. But not everyone needs the exact same level of protection, and specific situations may call for more or less caution. 

In the context of the omicron surge, for example, there’s a higher risk of transmission, so it’s a good idea to upgrade your face covering accordingly. That means wearing a well-fitting N95, KN95 or KF94 if you can, or double masking. 

The CDC says that “a respirator may be considered in certain situations and by certain people when greater protection is needed or desired.” Some of the situations that call for a respirator include: 

  • Crowded indoor or outdoor public settings
  • Workplaces that involve interacting with the public
  • Caring for someone who has COVID-19
  • If you’re not up to date on your COVID vaccinations (including boosters)
  • If you’re immunocompromised or have underlying medical conditions

Opting for terbaik sumatera higher protection is also a good idea whenever you’re in a riskier public setting, like traveling on public transportation or visiting a health care facility, no matter your health status. “Certainly, if you’re in a nursing home or a hospital, you must wear an N95,” Lahita said. “If you’re in a classroom with kids, the teacher should be wearing an N95.”

If you’re up to date on your shots, low-risk and in a region with less transmission, a well-fitting surgical mask is fine for regular, daily use. And when you’re outdoors, masking is less necessary, Lahita said. That’s unless you’re in a crowded area, or will be in close contact with unvaccinated people.

How to avoid counterfeit face masks

In the US, N95s by NIOSH, as well as by the US Food and Drug Administration in order to qualify for medical use. 

Because the KN95 and KF94 aren’t regulated by US authorities, it’s a bit trickier to know you’re getting the real deal, and counterfeit masks have proliferated throughout the pandemic. The FDA approved under an Emergency Use Authorization in 2020, and while that authorization has expired, the list of FDA-approved face mask manufacturers is still a helpful resource. The CDC also of non-NIOSH-approved masks that have gone through filtration testing. 

When it comes to KF94s, your best bet is to buy from a manufacturer in South Korea, which has its own strict testing associated with the KF94 label.

Another important note: Ignore the term “FDA registered” when shopping for masks. As the , facilities “involved in the production and distribution of medical devices intended for use in the United States are generally required to register annually with the FDA.” But, importantly, the “FDA’s registration and listing database does not denote approval, clearance or authorization of that facility or its medical devices.”

Our current best face mask suggestions

Below, is a list of N95, KN95, KF94, surgical-style and cloth masks (which, again, are recommended when doubling up). While CNET hasn’t expressly “tested” most of these masks, they conform to the expert mask recommendations above.

Bear in mind that prices and availability change often because of supply and demand for masks. We do our best to ensure our information is up-to-date, but the prices at the retailers below may differ.

Project N95

Project N95 is a nonprofit that vets personal protective equipment to help shoppers make sure they’re buying legitimate, tested products. The shop sells N95s, KN95s, surgical masks and other types from a variety of brands. By shopping directly from Project N95, you can be more confident that your face covering is tested and trustworthy.


WWDoll’s KN95s are manufactured in a factory in China that’s on the FDA’s EUA list. They have five layers of fabric, a foldable 3D shape, ear loops and an adjustable nose bridge to help you achieve a more secure fit. If white respirators are a bit too clinical-looking for you, these also come in a variety of colors, including black and pink.


A previous favorite in the cloth mask space, Vida now makes disposable KN95s as well, and they’re from EUA-approved factories in China. Choose from a range of face mask colors, and regular or kids’ sizes. You can buy anywhere from a 10-pack to a 1,000-pack of these KN95s, and send your used ones back to Vida to be recycled.


Powecom’s KN95s are affordable, with a pack of 10 ringing up at around $22. They feature the standard five-layered adjustable design with ear loops and come from an EUA-authorized Chinese manufacturer. Reviewers say they’re comfortable and form a nice tight seal around the face, with no gaps around the edges.

LG Health Care

These KF94s from LG Health Care are made in Korea with four layers of material. Unlike KN95s, KF94s have a double-tiered design that allows a closer fit, yet also adds more room in the mask to breathe. Since these also have an adjustable ear loop design, it’s even easier to get a gap-free seal.


While a bit pricier per mask than the disposable masks you’ll find in convenience stores, EvolveTogether’s masks have everything you need — they’re filtration-tested, comfortable and as sustainable as a single-use product can possibly be. The face mask packaging is both recyclable and biodegradable. They feature four layers of material, an adjustable nose bridge and ear loops. (EvolveTogether , but they’re often sold out.)


WeCare’s disposable face masks are individually sealed, which is helpful for hygiene purposes when you’re on the go. The three-layered masks have ear loops and a nose wire and are sturdy and reasonably comfortable. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, including both kids and adult sizes. They come in a box of 50.

ICU Health

There’s something to be said for a go-to brand of disposable masks that you can easily pick up in person when you need to. These masks from ICU Health are widely available at stores like Target and Walmart. These face masks are not winning any points for innovation or comfort, but they do the job, offering three layers of protection, ear loops and an adjustable nose bridge. And because they’re relatively cheap, they’re perfect for double masking.


If you plan to use a cloth mask to double-mask with, Uniqlo’s Airism masks are a comfortable pick for everyday wear. They’re made of the same breathable, cooling fabric that Uniqlo’s activewear and undergarments are made from, which helps alleviate the discomfort of wearing a cloth mask. They have three layers of fabric plus a built-in washable filter, and they come in four sizes from small to extra-large.

Under Armour

One circumstance where a cloth mask has definite advantages, at least as far as comfort, is working out. Wearing an N95-style respirator during exercise isn’t feasible, but you can add a disposable mask underneath a cloth mask for extra protection, and the Under Armour Sportsmask is a great breathable face mask contender — it’s one of CNET’s picks for the . This face mask has three layers of breathable fabric and doesn’t cling to your face or make you feel hot, instead offering a cooling effect.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

BlackRock profit rises 2.5% as asset growth boosts fee income

Jan 14 (Reuters) – BlackRock Inc reported a 2.5% rise in fourth-quarter profit on Friday as the world’s largest money manager’s fee income rose with assets under management scaling a new peak of over $10 trillion.

Adjusted profit rose to $1.61 billion, or $10.42 per share, in the quarter ended Dec.31, from $1.57 billion, or pts terbaik sumatera $10.18 per share, a year earlier.

Analysts on average were expecting the company to report a profit of $10.16 per share, according to IBES data from Refinitiv. (Reporting by Sohini Podder in Bengaluru and Saqib Iqbal Ahmed and Lewis Krauskopf in New York; Editing by Vinay Dwivedi)

Hong Kong censorship debate grows as internet firm says can block…

2 days ago

By Jessie Pang

HONG KONG, Jan 15 (Reuters) – The company which approves internet domains in Hong Kong said it will now reject any sites that could incite “illegal acts”, raising new concerns about freedoms after Beijing’s imposition of a national security law on the Chinese-ruled city last year.

Holders of .hk domains were advised of the policy change late on Thursday, sources told Reuters, hours after internet service provider Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN) said it had blocked access to HKChronicles, a website offering information about anti-government protests.

The moves came just days after the arrest of over 50 pro-democracy activists, and sources have told Reuters that China is planning a further crackdown.

HKBN said it had blocked the website, which also publishes personal information on Hong Kong police officers, in compliance with the national security law, the first such censorship in the city of its kind.

Anti-government protests in 2019 relied heavily on social media channels like Telegram which allowed protesters to organise anonymously.Many sites also sprung up in support of the protest movement, though a number shut after the passage of the security law.

In the emails, the Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company (HKDNR) alerted holders of .hk domains to the new “acceptable use” policy by its parent, Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC), which goes into effect on Jan. 28, according to copies shared by recipients with Reuters.

It said it could reject applications for new .hk sites that it believes could incite criminal acts, abuse privacy or provide false or misleading information.

It was not immediately clear whether the policy will apply to existing .hk websites.The HKIRC, the HKDNR and the Hong Kong government did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“The rollout of the acceptable use policy is quite worrying,” said one website operator who declined to be identified, citing fear of repercussions.

“Things like providing false or misleading information, who are they to decide? Are these preventive measures for future false news regulations?”

The moves are fuelling worries that a censorship mechanism similar to China’s “Great Firewall” is being put in place in Hong Kong.

While the internet in mainland China is heavily censored and access to many foreign platforms like news sites is blocked, residents in Hong Kong have so far enjoyed greater freedoms under the “one country, two systems” framework that it was promised when Britain handed it back to China in 1997.

China Mobile and PCCW, the other major internet providers in Hong Kong, did not respond to Reuters requests for comment.

Wong Ho Wah, terbaik sumatera who is running for Hong Kong’s legislature to representing the information technology sector, said he was deeply worried that Hong Kongers’ freedom to access information on the internet was starting to be affected.

“The government has the responsibility to explain the justification and the rationale of the action,” he said, referring to the blocking of HKChronicles’ website.(Reporting by Jessie Pang in Hong Kong; Writing by Brenda Goh; Editing by Kim Coghill)

Microsoft to retire Internet Explorer in 2022 – 26 YEARS after launch

Microsoft is putting the final nail in the coffin of Internet Explorer, revealing that the legacy web browser will retire for good in summer next year.

The tech giant has gradually shifted away from the aging software after some 25 years on the scene, kampus terbaik di lampung starting afresh with the new Edge browser in 2015 to coincide with the launch of Windows 10.

Support for the final version, Internet Explorer 11, has been maintained, even though most people have already moved elsewhere.

By ending support, this means important security updates and bug fixes will no longer be rolled out.

The web browser will be officially retired on June 15 2022, Microsoft said.

Microsoft is putting the final nail in the coffin of Internet Explorer, revealing that the legacy web browser will retire for good in summer next year

Microsoft is putting the final nail in the coffin of Internet Explorer, revealing that the legacy web browser will retire for good in summer next year

How many of these Christmas light decorating tricks do you use?

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No matter where you live, there are plenty of ways to get creative with Christmas lights. Apartment and condo dwellers may lack outdoor outlets, but can still beam festive flare to the neighborhood.

I grew up with parents who went wild with Christmas decor at our house. But now, decades later, I’m living the renter’s life with children of my own. And that means finding creative ways to light up windows, doorways and balconies for the holidays. Here are some of my tips for displaying Christmas lights that are simple, cheap and still look professional. (You can also watch my tutorial in the video embedded above.)

Christmas lights on a tree and around a window

Hook up size C9 LED bulbs along a window edge for all to see.

Bridget Carey / CNET

Border the windows

Lights around a window are a super simple way to spread cheer — and you’re going to want to buy some big, chunky bulbs to make sure everyone can see that cheer. That means size C7 or C9. And for anyone with an apartment or condo, you’ll need to attach them on the inside border.

Stay away from incandescent bulbs for indoor decorating. I say that as someone who has bought them for years because, well, they’re cheaper. But these bulbs get hot, and that’s not good if the bulbs will touch anything — or if you have kids or pets. The LED C9-size bulbs may cost a little more, but they’re safer and more reliable. For my windows I used the Home Depot brand  marked as “super bright,” and these are indistinguishable from incandescents from a distance. 

Comparing incandescent and LED Christmas lightsComparing incandescent and LED Christmas lights

Incandescent and LED look similar. Here, the LED is pictured above the incandescent strand.

Bridget Carey / CNET

For a large window, a strand of 25 lights should work well (about 16 feet in length). You’ll also need clear, plastic, . A pack of 40 small hooks is more than plenty for one window. Stick one every six inches along the border, keeping the hooks in the same direction. Distance between hooks doesn’t need to be exact. What matters is that you’ll be able to keep the bulb cord taut and in a straight line as it hugs the edge, with bulbs facing outward in the same direction. 

Christmas lightbulbChristmas lightbulb

Tuck in a strand of cord into the hook along the window border, trying to keep the line straight and taut as you go around.

Bridget Carey / CNET

Wait at least 30 minutes for adhesive to set against the window border wall before attaching the light cord into the hooks. Make sure you plan where the plug end is going to attach to an extension cord before you begin. 

The best balcony on the block

Decorating the railing of a balcony can be tricky if there’s no outdoor power outlet. But there are options. 

Light socket power outlet adapterLight socket power outlet adapter

This $4 adapter turns a light socket into a power outlet.

Bridget Carey / CNET

If your balcony or outdoor area has a light fixture that uses a standard bulb, you’re in luck. Take out the bulb and screw in a , which converts a light socket into two power outlets. (And you can still screw a bulb in the bottom.) 

Now you have a way to power lights to put around a balcony railing. But don’t just slop on a strand haphazardly — keep the bulbs in an orderly design. An easy method is to take a strand of C7 or C9 bulbs and make each bulb face upward on the railing, keeping the cord in a straight line. Use zip ties around each bulb to secure the strand snugly, with all bulbs all pointing up. 

Securing Christmas lights with zip ties.Securing Christmas lights with zip ties.

Secure lights on a railing in a straight line, pointing upward, with zip ties. 

Bridget Carey / CNET

Be sure to test extension cords and lights before pinning them down with zip ties. Remember that light socket adapters use plugs with two prongs, so three-prong grounded extension cords won’t work.

I also recommend covering open sockets with a strip of electrical tape, to prevent water from getting inside exposed slots.

Battery-powered holiday magic

If you don’t have an outdoor light to turn into an outlet, go with battery-powered lights. I’m seeing a ton of choices this year at stores — several of which are marked safe for outdoor use. Some have timers that will automatically turn off lights after six hours. Some lights have options to switch between flashing and chaser effects.

A strand of micro dot LEDs wrapped around a banister.A strand of micro dot LEDs wrapped around a banister.

This rope of 100 micro dot LEDs stretches a little over 24 feet and takes six AA batteries.

Bridget Carey / CNET

This year I’m using a long rope of 100 micro dot LED lights to decorate the railing on my front steps. A rope light is simple to twist around the handrails. It cost me — but each strand Terbaik sumatera takes six AA batteries. I’m also using two smaller strands of to decorate some miniature tree bushes I bought for outside the front door. Those smaller outdoor-safe strands just take three batteries each. 

I’ve been lighting these up every night for a week and haven’t had to replace the batteries yet, but I’ll update this post when I reach the end of the battery lifespan. 

Try a different tree every day

Rainbow colors on a Christmas treeRainbow colors on a Christmas tree

Your 2020 could use a cascading rainbow tree.

Bridget Carey / CNET

Today’s fake, prelit trees are a cinch to set up, and they have fun effects. But I don’t have room to store a fake tree, so I go with a fresh, real tree. This year, I tried out a high-tech strand of lights called , and it brings next-level Christmas magic to a tree without any effort. 

For my six-footer, I wrapped a 250-light strand around the tree, as I would any other strand of lights. This Generation II Twinkly strand of RGB LEDs, , is controlled by an app and requires Wi-Fi to work. Fire up the app and point your phone’s camera at the tree for it to read where every light is sitting on the tree. Once it maps the location of every light, choose between various vivid light effects that fade, twinkle or rotate around the tree in cool patterns.

Red and white lights on a Christmas treeRed and white lights on a Christmas tree

Or maybe you’re in a twisting candy-cane animation mood?

Bridget Carey / CNET

Switch your design on the fly with an app full of preset effects. Depending on my mood, I can have a rainbow fade cascade down from the top, or a candy-cane red and white swirl, or cheerful twinkling tropical carnival colors. Customize the speed, color and brightness, or design your own patterns. When you’re spending a lot of time at home, you can keep things feeling fresh with a different light design every day. 

Smart plugs keep it simple

When outlets are in hard-to-reach places, can save you some trouble — and you don’t need any smart speaker or hub to make them work for you. 

Put a smart plug in an outlet, and attach your light strand to the smart plug. Now it can be turned on and off with an app, instead of needing you to strain to unplug extension cords at the end of the night. I use ($25), which also can set lights to turn on and off with a timer. There’s also a button on the side of the plug for others to control it without an app. 

Mounting lights in a windowMounting lights in a window

Avoid using incandescent lights indoors. Melted window blinds don’t make for a jolly holiday.

Bridget Carey / CNET

<div class="comment-container" data-component="sharebar" data-sharebar-options='"title":"Follow these easy Christmas light tricks to deck out your apartment","description":"Rock your windows, balcony and tree to make Santa