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I will try to have something ready for you the moment Bitcoin Magazine is published.

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by someone at Coinbase who asked if they could give me a try of a “rebuttal” to the BBC show “Bitcoin: What happens if”.

I wasn’t sure at first because this seemed a bit strange and I asked them to repeat the question and while I was reading it I realized the question itself was a bit strange, but I accepted the offer anyway because I’m curious by nature and I’m not scared by “weird” problems.

The problem is that it turned out to be actually a PR move to gather a lot of Twitter attention.

They’ve even made a video to accompany the questions and the answers.

Since then, however, it’s been clear to me that the real motive of this PR stunt was not to provide a rebuttal to the questions, but to create a “voice” for the “coinbase people”, people like me who publish a Bitcoin magazine, on Twitter and I think this PR campaign was a very successful one because it has been possible to gather a lot of attention for Coinbase.

This video is also a good example of the PR


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